Thursday, May 12, 2011

Random Ramblings #4

Hmm.. It seems I've been in a semi-posting slump. I'm not sure if I'd even call it a slump, it's not that I don't have anything to write in my posts or am at a lack of words (if you know me very well, you know that never happens). It's actually the exact opposite, I've been running around doing so much stuff lately, my blogging has been lacking. But I'm back at it and now to catch everyone up to speed...

  • This past weekend started out pretty relaxing on Friday night. The weather finally dried up enough we were able to head to a friend house for a cookout and campfire afterwards.
  • After a relaxing Friday evening the majority of the weekend turned into a whirl-wind of family events. It started out with my grandparent's 60th Wedding Anniversary, which most of the family was in for. It went over really well and I even managed to snap a few good pictures. On Sunday, as I'm sure everyone knows, it was Mother's Day. Per my mom's wishes we had a low key day and went out for pizza and ice cream that evening. That wasn't the finish of everything though, Monday was my mom's birthday also, after work we all got together and grilled out and just enjoyed the evening together.
  • Even with all the family events this weekend I was able to squeeze some time in Saturday morning for a turkey hunt. That's really all there is to say about it. I listened to them gobble all morning and even got them to respond to me on and off for a hour or so, but they wanted nothing to do with me or anything near me. Maybe they knew what I was there trying to do.
  • As par with this time of year we started keeping out the flower gardens and I found my old best friend the weed eater again. This year I have one more thing added to the spring to-do list. It was to till our first garden, I have had "pot gardens" (no, not that kind of pot) before, but I have never really taken the time to plant a full on garden. It looks like this is going to be a fun adventure. I do have some experience as I had stated, but if anyone has any advice on gardens I'm all ears.
  • On the way home this evening I was looking at the river and it is starting to look like it is going to be prefer fishing level this weekend. Shortly after getting home I got the text message that they had just stocked the river with channel cats, looks like we are going to be camping sooner than we thought this year


  1. wow. 60th wedding anniversary. greatness.

  2. You have been busy! Have fun with the garden, there's no better way to spend a day (when you're not fishing).


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