Wednesday, January 26, 2011

One Thousand Already?!

That's right, Foggy Mountain Meanderings got it's 1000 pageview of all time yesterday, I know for some of you that isn't that great, hell to some of you, you get that in a little more than a week, but this is at least a start for me. :)

Really it's kind of funny I am doing this post, just yesterday the Outdoor Blogger Network did a post  "The State of the OBN: 100th post", I swear I'm not copying you guys. This post has been in the works for a few days now, it really is funny this blog started as a way for me to track my hunt and outdoor adventures and I didn't really care to have anyone follow me or read it, just my own little sanctuary. There is proof of this I only have 150ish pageviews from Sept 2010 - Dec 2010. I was not disappointed by those totals as they were mostly family and friends just following along on my random postings. It wasn't until the beginning of this month that I decided to try and take it more serious and submitted my blog to the OBN, created a Twitter account, and Facebook Fan Page for FMM to try and promote it more. To my surprise and some help from an amazing family and girlfriend, a great group of hunting/fishing buddies, and some new great outdoor bloggers I've met in the past month, I've managed to get 850+ pageviews and 16 Blogger followers in the past month alone. So this is my THANK YOU post to all of you out there for meandering along with me on this journey!! If there is anything I am doing that you love, let me know so I can keep it up or do more of it.  Even if there's something that you hate on here let me know so that I can quit or change it up.


  1. Congrats and what an exciting milestone!

    Here's to many, many more- Cheers!

  2. Congrats. My first visit to your blog. Good stuff! Looking forward to more. WVU grad 2000.

  3. Congrats! We're reaching milestones together! I'm about 3 views away from 5,000 (and I'm freaking out about it!)

    I'll make the 16 followers this month to 17!

    Happy Hunting!

  4. 1000 so quick is awesome. Hate to tell you but 853 are mine. Keep up the good work.

  5. Thank you all for the kind words!!


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