Sunday, March 6, 2011

Playing Outdoor Favorites - Outdoor Blogger Network: Photo Prompt

It sure has been busy the last few days; everything from work,  buying a new toy and the WV Hunting, Fishing, and Outdoors Show. As you can see I have some stuff to write about, it's just a matter of finding the time to write. However, for tonight's post I am using the prompt; The OBN's last photo prompt is "Playing Outdoor Favorites." The task is to choose your favorite outdoor gear, everything from your old trusty deer rifle to that hand me down fly reel from your grandfather or is it that brand new spinning rod and reel you got last year?

There are too many things I use to pick a favorite per se; I hunt, fish, camp, hike, garden, forage, can... I do way to much outdoors to pick just one favorite thing. I took this on as more what are the items you can always find within an arms reach of me almost anytime I am outdoors, that one wasn't to hard to do.

My "Favorites"
I know some of these items a few of you are going to give a little guff for, as I take some from my friends also, but let me explain a little and they'll start to make more sense.

  • My Camo WVU Hat - I normally have this thing on 24/7 outside of work and the dinner table you'll normally find me wearing it. Not to hard to explain or understand this one, everyone need a good hat. The only except to this one is during Deer Season it sitting in the Jeep while I'm in stand, due to the fact there is no way this hat would be scent free.
  • My Pocket Knife - This is my "multi purpose tool," yes some time I carry an actual Leatherman or a fixed blade knife on my belt depending on my activity, but there isn't a day that goes by that this isn't in my pocket. Currently, for the last few years I've been carrying the Gerber Obsidian, it has been a great knife.
  • My Camera - This one is for obvious reasons, I take a lot of pictures, and have even started taking more since I started this blog. It's an inexpensive Canon PowerShot series, that might actually be getting upgrade soon, but we'll have to wait and see on this one.
  • My Phone - This one gets on some people's nerves, I understand that. But it is first and foremost, a necessity as far as having it for safety! Secondly, I use it for checking the weather, the hunting and fishing times ( Time2Fish & Time2Hunt), a back up camera and maps/GPS. There are a lot of different things that it can be used for that can help us in the outdoors. 
There's a little glimpse into what my "favorite" things to carry on me outdoors are, they might not be for everyone, but they work for me and always help me along on my outdoor adventures.


  1. I'm totally behind you with the phone, as you saw in my favorite outdoor gear...

  2. Hey You ~
    This comment is to let you know that you have been picked as one of this weeks featured outdoor bloggers on the Outdoor Blogger Network.
    The announcement post is up and we are excited to share your blog with everyone.
    Great Job.
    Rebecca and Joe

  3. I agree with you. I love when you post your updates. Check out your preferred brands here

  4. I agree with you. I love when you post your updates. Check out your preferred brands here.


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