Never preparing wild turkey before and hearing some of the
horror stories I asked a few friends and did a little research to find out what the easiest and tastiest recipe would be for my first with this bird. With any recipe
I get, I had to tweak, change, and just never leave well enough alone so this
is my variation of oven roasted wild turkey breast.
- 1 – Whole Turkey Breast
- 8 oz. – Italian Dressing
- 1 Cup – Butter
- ½ Cup – Olive Oil
- Camp Dog Cajun Seasoning (Creole Seasoning will work also)
- Ground Black Pepper
- Ramp Powder (Onion/Garlic Powder will work also)
- 1 –Reynolds Oven Cooking Bag (Small)
Place turkey breast and the Italian dressing in a container
or Ziploc bag to marinade overnight. Make sure the breast is fully covered with
the marinade, if not you will need to turn the breast so that both side have
had time to marinade. This step is used to help keep the breast moist while
cooking it and to provide a flavoring throughout the breast after it is cooked.
After the breast has had time to marinade, remove the turkey
breast from the marinade and discard the remaining marinade as it will not be
used for anything else.
At this point this point the turkey breast should still have
some marinade on it. There are two methods that can be used. The Camp Dog,
pepper, and ramp powder can be sprinkled on the top of the breast for quick
application. The second method is to mix the seasonings together in a bowl and
then to rub down the entire breast with the seasonings to make sure there is
maximum coverage of the turkey breast.
Once the breasted is seasoned, transfer it in to a Reynolds
Oven Cooking Bag.
Before sealing the bag, melt the butter and mix it with the
olive and then pour it in the bag also.
After adding this seal the back and place it into a cake or
loaf pan, use whatever size you see fit for the amount of turkey being cooked. Make
sure to read the cooking instructions for the cooking bag you are using.
Finally bake the turkey breast at 350⁰ for an hour to an
hour and a half.
As I said before, it is just that easy! It might not be
culinary masterpiece, but it sure will impress your friends and family!
My 11 year daughter shot her first turkey last weekend,23lb. Tom ! This recipe was excellent! Thank you!