Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Trail Cam Tuesday - April 17, 2012

It has been a while since anyone has seen a Trail Cam Tuesday. I have contemplated changing it a bit or even ending it as a whole, but I just couldn't do it. I have decided I will no long be releasing it weekly, it will be directly linked to the active pictures being taken, trail cam pictures that are being submitted, and lastly will be a new twist I am adding. This new twist will have everything to deal with trail cameras still, it will just be more informational, it will consist of new products, information and how-tos/advise, and anything that involves trail cameras. Feel free to leave your comments below on your thoughts about the new change(s) to TCT,  love or hate, I want to hear it. If you have a suggestion of your own leave it and I'll gladly take it into consideration. Now what everyone is really here for though, the pictures. 

Even frozen does need to eat.
Not sure what this fox was looking for but
made multiple laps sniffing around.
This isn't the big sow with the white patch on her chest from
last year, but it is still a decent size bear for April.

Looks like these does are getting a little feisty.


  1. great catches, justin. thanks for sharing them.

  2. This girl up in the North is DYING to get a bear on her cams!!!

    1. Haha, I'll give 'em to you.. I got a bunch of them.. We've got a few great shoot of a sow and her cubs and what not, but what I'm waiting on is a bobcat or fisher.. I've got most everything else from this region on my cams..

  3. Very cool pictures.


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