Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Trail Cam Tuesday - Nov. 8, 2011

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Considering last week's TCT left a lot to the imagination this weeks made up for it. I didn't manage to get any pictures of that buck, but my buddy, James, did get a great looking one on the next property. This buck is looking to be a non-typical 13 point. I apologize for the quality, but this is a great looking deer. This wasn't the end of the surprises for this week, after having just a few does and small bucks on camera for the majority of last week, I got a great surprise on Friday evening/night. This was after I moved my camera around to get a better angle on the bucks entering my food plot. 

Shortly after getting out of my tree stand this guy shows up...

I believe this is Slick,  a buck we have been watching for three years now...
 Normally this time of year Slick goes completely nocturnal and also starts cruising. He uses our property as a home base, but normally only frequents the area of this trail cam once a week if that. Much to my surprise, I got another set of great picture of him around three hours later...

And as always it wouldn't be a TCT without having a bear picture or two. After looking at this pictures a few times I think I might be agreeing with Cassie. She said she has money on the fact that this bear is pregnant due to its size and rounded belly. I'll let you guys be the judge.


  1. wow. so (as a non-bear-familiar person) will she deliver over winter while hibernating? or am i confusing species here?

  2. I think black bears give birth in January/February..

    Hoping she is pregnant (even with my bear phobia ;))

  3. Bears have a gestation period that usually last around 235 days,the cubs are usually born end of Jan early February :) Cassie

  4. Those are some nice pictures. It happens so often that they show up after you climb down.


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